Working together to keep gatherings safe.
The Oaks team has been hard at work to ensure that necessary measures are in place to ensure both our guests and our team members remain safe and healthy.
We are taking precautions to minimize exposure by enacting protocols based on recommendations and guidelines issued by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) and local public health agencies.
We are taking the following additional precautionary actions to keep everyone healthy and safe:
Prior to Arrival
Guests coming to The Oaks will be screened upon arrival. All guests must be symptom-free and have a temperature of less than 100.4 degrees at the time of arrival. Anyone deemed a possible risk will not be allowed on campus.
On-Going Operations
We will have a team administering temperature checks of all employees prior to allowing them to work that day.
Culinary and Hospitality team members have received training on proper food handling, facility cleaning, and sanitization.
The Oaks team members have been instructed to practice aggressive hand washing; avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth areas; and practice respiratory hygiene. We request that you do the same.
We have circulated COVID-19 prevention information and instructed staff who are experiencing any compromise of health to stay home as recommended by the CDC.
We have increased access to alcohol-based cleaners and hand sanitizers throughout the campus.
We have worked to ensure that we are procuring and using high-grade disinfectant products known to combat communicable diseases. We have made the following enhancements to our already stringent sanitation procedures:
For Guest Rooms: We will continue to thoroughly clean and disinfect rooms after guests depart and before the next guest arrives, with particular attention paid to high-touch items (countertops, mirrors, toilets, etc.). No guests will be allowed to enter another guests bedroom.
In Public Spaces: We have increased the frequency of cleaning and disinfecting in all of our public spaces (meeting rooms, group rooms, administrative offices, dining spaces) with a focus on door handles and other high-touch surfaces. As an additional safety precaution, we will routinely clean public bathrooms.
In Dining Spaces: Our culinary staff has updated their disinfectant and sanitation protocols. They are constantly cleaning all touchable surfaces, serving equipment and utensils, while thoroughly sanitizing condiment containers, chairs, tables and all surfaces between meals. All staff will be wearing protective gloves.
Our team has conducted an assessment to ensure that we are prepared as possible with the proper provisions for cleaning, protective measures, and essential supplies.
We are requesting that you partner with us through your proactive involvement in minimizing the risk of exposure to infection anywhere you are unable to socially distance.
We will continue to monitor state and federal recommendations and adjust our protocols accordingly.